So, this is just a post to share and inform that the recent batch of UK Pre-orders have safely arrived :) And all items have been passed to friends and family. Sorry for not opening it to online shoppers because MOST of the time, pre-orders can be very stressful due to back out buyers (coz we previously offer 50% deposit option), fussy buyers who can't wait and demand refund when it takes too long etc etc etc... So that explains why we don't do pre-orders coz its difficult to juggle between full time work and running a blogshop. We do open our pre-orders at times, but when we do, nobody orders, and when we don't, people inquired :( The timing is always off le sigh. Not trying to rant or telling our buyers we hate you guys... COZ WE DON'T!!! You guys are A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!! :) :) :) That's why we're giving a giveaway coz we realised we never really actually done any throughout the past 3 years!!! Anyways, just want to blog about the nice stuff we had in our parcel, which Amber is keeping for her own :)

Look at the big boxes and parcels we have to sort out in a day!
Look at the dress on top!!! :) Beautiful? It's a Bow Dress by Mango

I KID YOU NOT!!! This dress is so difficult to find and sadly no restocks coz its sold out in a jiffy!!! :(

H&M Conscious White Dress... couldn't find the pic sobs :( but awesomely beautiful!
BUT... she's letting go this bralet of hers... selling at only RM49 :) - SOLD
Well, with that, just to inform that this is the last update of the month. Will be posting a rough video on how we pick a winner for the giveaway :)
Mizz Lush
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