Please do not ask us for quotation for low stock items or out of stock in your size items as we will not be quick enough to ninja your items.
Items will reach you around 20 days. Please do not order if you cannot wait?
Pre-order opens till given date. So hop onto the website and email us! :)
Quotation for clothing items ONLY! Other items will be calculated differently
Quotation per item = Item price (£) x 5.6 + RM35
(inclusive postage)
Order #20/2014 - Missguided #104372452 - closed on 2/4, arriving 24/4, arrived 14/4 :)

Order #21/2014 - #107446064 - closed 6/4, arriving 18/4, arrived 14/4 :)

Order #22/2014 - #108293880 - closed 13/4, arriving 28/4 :)


Order #21/2014 - #107446064 - closed 6/4, arriving 18/4, arrived 14/4 :)

Order #22/2014 - #108293880 - closed 13/4, arriving 28/4 :)


Hi dearies, we will be placing orders for Lucy in the Sky items. They are an Australian brand selling cutesy stuff for you babes.
Please email us at if you are interested in purchasing only.
Quotation per item = $ x 3.3 + RM9 (poslaju)
Order #9/2014 - Closed 4/4, ETA 10/4 - arrived 9/4
Order #10/2014 - Closed 12/4, ETA 17/4 - arrived 18/4
Quotation per item = $ x 3.3 + RM9 (poslaju)
Order #9/2014 - Closed 4/4, ETA 10/4 - arrived 9/4
Order #10/2014 - Closed 12/4, ETA 17/4 - arrived 18/4